Congratulations on your new home! However, now comes the hard part, moving into it. Once the movers have unloaded your boxes, it’s time for you to unpack and organize your belongings. Although this can be quite a challenging process, with time your apartment will slowly start to look like home. With the help of this guide, you’ll have the steps needed to unpack everything from your old apartment and get settled into your new place.

Start Unpacking

It may be tempting to go straight to bed once you get all your boxes moved into your new place, but you should not procrastinate. The sooner you start unpacking your belongings, the sooner your new place will start feeling like home. Although you don’t have to unpack everything right away, you should work out an unpacking schedule, such as tackling two boxes per day. It’s also important to set a deadline to finish unpacking, so you can hold yourself accountable to getting the job done.

Begin with the Important Items 

We know the first few boxes you might want to unpack include movies, pictures, and other decorations, but we recommend unpacking boxes based on functionality. This means unpacking boxes that contain items to help you sleep, eat, and shower before anything else. However, once you have your essentials taken care of, you can move on to other rooms in your home and start unpacking the fun stuff.

Take It One Room at a Time

One of the best ways to stay organized when unpacking is by taking it one room at a time. Of course, you should unpack the essentials that you need to live. However, focusing on one room at a time can help you to stay on track and not feel overwhelmed.

Unpack Your Children’s Rooms First

When you move into your new home, you’ll have to plan out which rooms to start unpacking. However, if you have children or a baby, we suggest unpacking their rooms first. Since moving can be hard and confusing for children, especially young ones, it’s important to maintain a regular schedule on moving day, to reduce stress on them. You should try setting up your children’s bedrooms ahead of time, so they have a safe place to stay while you unpack. If you have a newborn baby, you should set up the nursery beforehand as well, this way you’ll have a changing table, rocking chair, and diaper pail for ease of comfort and emergencies. If you do not have children, then we recommend tackling your new kitchen.

Set Up Large Items

No matter what room you are unpacking, make sure you set up your large pieces before unpacking smaller ones. Once you finish unpacking the larger items like the beds, tables, and other furniture, you can move onto smaller things, such as clothing, sheets, books, and other household items.

Moving into a new home or apartment can be incredibly stressful. However, with these tips, you can stay organized during the unpacking process. If you need help getting your things to the new home, that’s where we’d love to help. If you need affordable Houston movers, give us a call or fill out the form on our homepage (

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